Thursday, 9 March 2023

Woodstock - "renewable energy" transformed from "replenished energy" ...

... with CO2 / carbon dioxide and H2O / water (plus catalyst chlorophyll) and "growth-friendly" temperatures as further ingredients for the earth's largest power plant, the ensemble of all green leaves and green algae on the planet earth running the nature-made process

photo synthesis

whenever there is sunshine plus humidity. 

pls. note: 

(1) There is some debate going on about the definition of renewable energy ... 

(2) There is some debate going on about the definition of biomass ...

And yes: "renewable" is not a SMET-term. 

"renewable" = erneuerbar - hier: chemische Energie: BRENNSTOFF / Holz

"replenished" = "nachgeliefert" - hier photonische Energie: LICHT / Strahlung